Saturday, July 5, 2008

Off to Camp

I am bound for scout camp in a couple hours. That brings with it some moments of reflection. Why do I do this, anymore? I have so lost the vim and vigor of my former self. I thought it was such a great blast to be a scout leader and head off to camp with a troop of boys. I enjoyed the experience, and put in with them with gusto.

But, now, I'm old, and I'm fat, and I just do not have the health I once did. But, still, it seems folks have become so selfish. It is so hard to get anyone to commit the time and the expense to provide the adult leadership needed to make these moments occur. If I do not offer my offering, well, likely it will not get done, ceratinly not get done nearly so well.

There is so much development and growth that is possible from this experience in a boy's life. I wish more understood that. Despite the value, they are not sold on it sufficient to make the commitment and sacrifice. In another blog, I can wax poetic about that dynamic--unwillingness to give, to serve, be inconvenienced for a cause greater than self.

That is not my ethic, though. I am driven by my inward compass which compels to make the most of my life, to leave the world a better place, to look as having given something back in consideration of the wisdom and enjoyment I have received from life. And so, I go.

I hope I survive, can even make it through the heat and the privations. Certainly, one blessing of the moment comes in that I will be so much more patient with the scouts than ever before. I've seen it all so many times before, and I just cannot get up the energy to correct and discipline them. They're going to have a ball.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I share here a composition that I ran across, composed a few years ago, and more poignant with the recent dusting off.... I post it here for general consumption. Not that these "snapshots" are unique or different than those which any worthy, attentive father might experience, but, well, they are special to me.... It's what I am.

A Father's Snapshots…..

by Tom Stoddard

A tired cub scout falling asleep in the cab of the truck not 5 minutes after leaving camp and heading for home…
Pinning on an Eagle Scout badge…
Tucking outgrown toys neatly in the attic so they'll be here when the grandkids come…
A competition award for the essay she originally refused to write, but insisting she follow through…
Taking him to a vacant parking lot for his first driving lesson…
"Was anyone hurt? We can fix a fender. I'm just glad everyone is all right…"
Splinting her wrist after her sister pushes her off the top bunk…
Sitting with her head in your lap in the emergency room…
Picking out a tie with a cool cartoon character that a 6 year old will keep on during church…
Realizing it's more important for a 15 year old to just be in church and not hold out for him wearing a tie…
"Whatever you and your mother want for a wedding reception, we'll find a way to afford…"
Getting caught skipping words trying to fast forward through her bedtime story…
Following attentively as the first grader reads his bedtime story to me…
Wondering if my expected grandchild will favor my lovely daughter or……
Father/Son outings…
"Rasslin'" on the front room floor…
When playing cowboys, always being the horse…
Nodding and withholding comment as she relates a scripture story she just made a connection to…
Nodding and withholding comment as she relates the principle from a scripture story and figures how to resolve a personal issue with a friend…
Hoping ice cream soothes the hurt of being cut from the team…
"When we agree on a time to be home, you return not one minute later without calling me…"
Listening to what I just said, and hearing the very words my father so many years ago…
Evening out the self-inflicted haircut…
"When you're a boy, you can whiz standing up." (his first urinal)…
Report cards…
Being presented with the bill for the prom dress…
Seeing her in the prom dress and not regretting a single penny…
Screaming "RUN", as the little leaguer just stands there at home plate admiring his first hit…
"There are times when what I say as a father should be reason enough…”
Admitting that I never learned to cast a fishing line very well either…
Missing pliers out of the tool box…
Enjoying the marching band performance focusing on only one flag…
Cheating so she'll win a board game, just so she'll still be willing to play with me…
The mixed feeling of pride and betrayal when she, one day, beats me at chess straight up…
Mastering that special trick shot, which always takes him out when playing H-O-R-S-E…
Daddy/Daughter dates…
Finding pliers in the sand box…
Defacing the brand new asphalt driveway with that tacky outline for hopscotch…
Seeing the folly of his ill-advised choices and understanding that's how God must feel watching me…
Her first visit to the orthodontist…
Straining to see the oboe section in the middle of the school orchestra…
An empty tape dispenser on the desk…
Call from principal complaining about the tape ball he was playing with in class…
Holding him down while the doctor puts stitches in his head…
Holding him down while the doctor puts stitches in his leg…
Taking the training wheels off her bicycle…
Taking the training wheels off his life…

All rights reserved

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well, after listening to what everyone else has to say, in the caucophony that seems to surround us in this modern era, I have decided some well-reasoned, logical and temperate comments from a guy (me) who appears to be smarter than most of all those other noisemakers out there is maybe worth listening to. Heavens knows I've seen plenty and had my share of experience through the years which has afforded me to take my "examined" life and distill many pearls of wisdom that may be of use to a thinking soul. Of course, there just does not seem to be a venue to share some of these nuggets. No one seems to want to listen to a fat old ineffectual warhorse who seems to have seen his prime long passed. It is a shame to lose the blessing of experience. Others must travel the same ground all over again, without the benefit of insightful observation, warnings, or the gain from those who have trod this path before. So, feeling it my duty to offer, I will make my gift available, if only left in cyberspace. If anyone exhibits the wisdom to seek wisdom, it will be to their eternal blessing.
With that preamble, I launch my personal blog.